A note on ADK 2012

Summary on Accessory Development Kit

The Accessory Development Kit (ADK) for 2012 is the latest reference implementation of an Android Open Accessory device. It is designed to help Android hardware accessory builders and software developers create accessories for Android. One of the new features in this ADK is to play music over USB connection. The ADK 2012 is based on Arduino open source electronic prototyping platform, with some hardware and software extensions that allow it to communicate with Android devices.

Main Accessories available with ADK 2012

  • Clock- We can set or reset the timings
  • Alarm
  • Speaker- To play audio. Audio can be played using Bluetooth as well as with USB connection. Playing audio will work only on Android 4.1(API Level 16) and above.
  • Color, Brightness, Display adjuster.
  • Lock

Connecting an Android Device with ADK 2012

Android ADK 2012 app is available only in devices supporting Android 3.1 (API Level 12) or in an NFC enabled android device. It can be connected using Bluetooth as well as with USB.

Developing more Accessories with ADK 2012

-  Prior to installing ADK 2012 IDE, Git (Distributed revision control and source code management system) and repo(a tool that Google built on top of Git to manage the many Git repositories, do the uploads to revision control system, and automate parts of the Android development workflow) should be installed in your system.

- After installing repo, 4 new folders will be there – adk2012/board (Source code and hardware design files for ADK 2012), adk2012/app (Source code for android companion application) , external/ide (source code for ADK 2012 ide), external/toolchain (toolchain used by ADK 2012 ide).

- ADK 2012 IDE can be installed after Git and repo is finished.

- In ADK 2012 IDE, sketch book location library should be opened and the contents from adk2012/board/library/ADK2 directory should be copied into it.

- Now in ADK 2012 IDE, we can see some example sketch of clock, BluetoothScan and usbaccessory.

- We can modify the example sketches or create our own sketches and then upload to ADK.



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