Java problems without using normal methods

1) Program to check whether the number is odd or even without using modulo or division operators.

The idea is to subtract 2 from the number until the number is less than 2. If the remaining value is 0, then number is odd, else even.

public class oddeven {

public static void main(String args[])
int num =27;

public static boolean odd(int num)
{   int temp=num;
return true;
return false;

2) Java program to return the maximum of two numbers without using if,while or for.

If 'a' and 'b' are 2 numbers, then the maximum value of a,b is (a+b)/2 + (|a-b|)/2. For one part we need to use floor and for the other part we need to use ceiling.

public class maxnum {

public static void main(String args[])
int num1=106;
int num2=121;
int max= findMax(num1,num2);
System.out.println(" Max value = " + max);


public static int findMax(int num1,int num2)
int diff=Math.abs(num1-num2);
int sum=num1+num2;
double diff1=(double)(diff);
double sum1= (double) (sum);
double result = Math.ceil(sum1/2)+Math.floor(diff1/2);
//double result = Math.ceil(diff1/2) + Math.floor(sum1/2);
int result1=(int)(result);
return result1;


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