Linked List Implementation in Java
Hi All, for some time we can take a break from Android. Here , I am presenting the implementation of linked list in java, which is very useful in industries as well as helps in programming interview questions.
I am including few important methods of linked lists as well -
I am including few important methods of linked lists as well -
- insert - To insert a node to linked list
- display - to display all the nodes.
- delete - to delete a node from linked list.
- NthToLast - to print the nth to last node
- deletenode - to delete a node from middle by giving the data.
- deleteDups - to delete duplicate in linked list (using hashtable)
- deleteDups1 - to delete duplicate in linked list without using additional memory space.
- addList - to add to separate linked lists node by node
- FindBeginning - This method will check whether a loop is present and returns the node where the loop starts, else return null.
I am publishing the code also in this blog, but I recommend you to use this only as a reference. Happy coding.
package com.linkedlist; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.LinkedList; public class listlinked { public static class ListElement { ListElement next; Object data; public ListElement(Object data) {; } } public static void main(String args[]) { new listlinked().run(); } ListElement head=null; ListElement tail =null; public void run() { //head = new ListElement(10); insert(head,10); insert(head,11); insert(head,12); insert(head,13); display(head); delete(head,13); insert(head,14); insert(head,15); display(head); ListElement nthlast = NthToLast(head, 4); if(nthlast!=null) { System.out.println(" Data corresponding to nth - to - last = "; } else { System.out.println(" data is null"); } deleteNode(12); display(head); insert(head,17); insert(head,14); insert(head,17); insert(head,17); display(head); deleteDups1(head); System.out.println(" After deleting duplicate elements.. cool.. "); display(head); //for adding two linked list ListElement head1= new ListElement(3); ListElement head2= new ListElement(5); //insert(head1,3); insert(head1,1); insert(head1,5); //insert(head2,5); insert(head2,9); insert(head2,2); insert(head2,4); System.out.println(" The first list elements are as follows..."); display(head1); System.out.println(" The second list elements are as follows..."); display(head2); ListElement sumlist =addlist(head1,head2,0); System.out.println(" The sum of two lists is as follows .. "); display(sumlist); ListElement loop =null; System.out.println(" Checking the beginning of loop in linked list"); loop = FindBeginning(head); if(loop==null) { System.out.println(" There is no loops in the linked list.."); } else { int loopdata= (Integer); System.out.println(" Beginning of loop = "+loopdata); } } //code for inserting data public void insert(ListElement node, Object data) { if(node==null) { head =new ListElement(data); } else { while(!= null) {; } ListElement node1 = new ListElement(data);; } System.out.println(" Inserted " +data); } //end of code for inserting data //code for displaying data public void display(ListElement node) { System.out.println(); System.out.println(" Displaying data..."); while(!=null) { System.out.println (" Data - ";; } System.out.println (" Data - "; } //end of code for display //code for deleting data public void delete(ListElement node, Object data) { if( == data) {; return; } else { while(!=null) { if( {; } else {; } } return; } } //end of code for deleting //code for nth to last public ListElement NthToLast(ListElement node, int n) { if(head==null|| n<1) { return null; } ListElement p1 =head; ListElement p2=head; for(int j=0;j<n-1;j++) { if(p2==null) { return null; }; } if(p2==null) { return null; } while(!= null) {;; } return p1; } //end of code for nth to last //code for deletenode public void deleteNode(Object data) { ListElement node=head; if( {; } else { while(!=null) { if( {; } else {; } } return; } } //end of code for deletenode //for deleting duplicate elements public static void deleteDups(ListElement node) { Hashtable<Object, Boolean> table =new Hashtable<Object, Boolean>(); ListElement previous =null; while(node!=null) { if(table.containsKey( {; } else { table.put(, true); previous=node; }; } } //end of code for deleting dups.. //start of code for deleting dups without additional space public static void deleteDups1(ListElement node) { if(node == null) { return; } ListElement previous = node; ListElement current =; while(current != null) { ListElement runner= node; while(runner!= current) { if( { ListElement cool =;; current=cool; break; }; } if(runner==current) { previous=current; current; } } } //end of deleteDups1 //code for adding two linked lists public ListElement addlist(ListElement node1, ListElement node2, int carry) { ListElement result = null; int bal =0; while((node1 != null) || (node2 != null)) { int value = 0; value = value+bal; if(node1!=null) { value= value+ (Integer) (;; } if(node2!=null) { value= value+ (Integer) (; node2; } if(value >= 10) { value =value%10; bal=1; } else { bal=0; } if(result==null) { result=new ListElement(value); } else { insert(result,value); } } return result; } //end of code for addlists //function for finding the beginning of a loop public ListElement FindBeginning(ListElement node) { ListElement node1=node; ListElement node2 = node; while(!=null) {; node2; if(node1==node2) { break; } }//while if( { return null; } node1=head; while(node1!=node2) {;; } return node2; } //end of function for beginning of loop; }
The output of the above code is as follows:
Good to Read
Inserted 10 Inserted 11 Inserted 12 Inserted 13 Displaying data... Data - 10 Data - 11 Data - 12 Data - 13 Inserted 14 Inserted 15 Displaying data... Data - 10 Data - 11 Data - 12 Data - 14 Data - 15 Data corresponding to nth - to - last = 11 Displaying data... Data - 10 Data - 11 Data - 14 Data - 15 Inserted 17 Inserted 14 Inserted 17 Inserted 17 Displaying data... Data - 10 Data - 11 Data - 14 Data - 15 Data - 17 Data - 14 Data - 17 Data - 17 After deleting duplicate elements.. cool.. Displaying data... Data - 10 Data - 11 Data - 14 Data - 15 Data - 17 Inserted 1 Inserted 5 Inserted 9 Inserted 2 Inserted 4 The first list elements are as follows... Displaying data... Data - 3 Data - 1 Data - 5 The second list elements are as follows... Displaying data... Data - 5 Data - 9 Data - 2 Data - 4 Inserted 0 Inserted 8 Inserted 4 The sum of two lists is as follows .. Displaying data... Data - 8 Data - 0 Data - 8 Data - 4 Checking the beginning of loop in linked list There is no loops in the linked list..
Good to Read
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